USL Central Hub, Testing, and Scrimmage Update


1. I know many of you are having trouble getting into the US Lacrosse Central Hub. If you are one of those individuals please let me know and I will forward an email from Charlie Obermayer with directions on how to merge your account.

2. Some of you were able to merge to the USL central hub, but still cannot get your test. The best advice I can give is to be patient. This is a new system and my best guess is that it’s just moving slowly. You CAN work games as long as you’ve attended the clinic and worked a scrimmage. You have until April 30 to take the test. Just check periodically. I’ll let you know if I get any announcement that the test is all set.

3. The scrimmage at Zionsville has been canceled tomorrow due to cold temperatures. Games are starting and weather looks to be an issue in the immediate future. YOU are responsible for notifying the coach 3-4 days beforehand that you’re the assigned official and open up lines of communication directly between yourselves.


Clint Carter