Published Assignments, Indy Region

Indy Region Officials,

I just published assignments for March. Some key things to know:

1. You have four days to accept or decline or the system will automatically unassign you.

2. If you decline or turnback an assignment you DO NOT have to list a reason. Just click continue.

3. Notify the head coach, contacts, and your partner(s), 3-4 days before the assigned game for confirmation and to open up direct communication at that point.

4. I try to get everyone working early. March is almost exclusively High School. Middle school and youth generally do not start until April. There’s a lull in the scehdule around spring break, then a very intense six weeks from early April until Mid-May before things wind down in late May.

5. Keep your availability constantly updated!!! There will be game changes, weather issues, official’s turnbacks, a plethora of reasons why I will be constantly updating the schedule.

6. You need to work at least one scrimmage!!! I have sent the known ones out. Let me know which you intend to work!!! Some were "officially" assigned. Just because you’re not assigned to it on arbiter does not mean you cannot show up and work. Just let me know.

7. Check your schedule for anything odd. Seeing the same team too many times, too far to travel between games on certain dates, etc. Let me know of any of these quirks and I’ll make adjustments where appropriate.

8. I plan to start working on April within a few weeks. Most IYLA teams have not loaded their scehdules at this point so I need to wait for them. I’m pressuring those teams. Remember that you have game fee insurance from USL should you be injured working a game. Therefore it’s a disservice on my end not to have a full schedule for you well in advance. We can always make adjustments later.

9. The NCAA DIII game at Bishop Chatard scheduled for Tuesday March 4 has been canceled due to expected weather.

10. I’ll send out a pregame discussion sheet soon.

11. And most importantly HFDFU

Clint Carter