Scrimmage, April Assigning, Testing


1. There has been a scrimmage added to the schedule: Sunday March 9 from 1:00-3:00 at Wabash (indoors).

2. There still are no scrimmages scehduled in Fort Wayne or South Bend.

3. I sent a list of Indy area scrimmages and many of you still need to work one. Let me know which you intend to work.

4. I’m going to do a lot of April assigning next week. Please get your availability updated. There have been a lot of declines so far. In fairness many of you likely had assignments posted before you realized I was assigning games. Nor are there any direct consequences for declined assignments. However please put your self in my shoes; if you repeatedly decline assignments I’m going to question whether you’re really available when you’re listed so.

5. Many of you are still having trouble with the test. This is a new system and unfortuantely I have nothing to do with it’s administration. Please just check periodically. Eventually it will work. You can work games in the meantime as long as you’re registered with US Lacrosse and have attended a clinic.

Have fun out there. Games start this weekend.

Clint Carter