Busy Time of the Season


1. Many of you are going to be traveling out of your region soon. Please remember that the spirit of the mileage plan is to use it only when necessary. Ryne, Mark, Paul, and I make every effort possible to use local officials before sending anyone to travel. We respect that this can be a strain on team budgets. Likewise the ILOA board feels strongly that you should receive fair compensation if you travel to work a game when no local officials are available.

Often times officials will work games in an out of region town they were going to be in anyway. While you should collect game fees, you should use judgment as to what the main purpose of your visit is to the town. For instance my son played in a round robin in Bloomington. I worked some games on the other field, collected the game fees, but did not take mileage since I was going to be there anyway. Some of you have kids in college in certain towns, family, etc. Please use your judgment before charging teams.

2. I still need officials on the following:


Columbus 7/8- 6:30pm


Columbus 7/8- 12:00 and 3:00

Heritage Christian V- 11:00

Guerin Cathilic V- 1:30

St. Simon 5/6- 4:00

Westfield 5/6- 11:00, 12:30, 1:30


Park Tudor Varsity at Wabash- 1:00

Please let me know…….
