Weekly Memo


I continue to get few complaints from coaches! So if they’re unhappy, they’re not unhappy enough to actually do something about it!

1. Please remember that if a faceoff player has the ball in the back of his crosse and cannot shake it loose with one attempt it’s a violation and the ball is turned over to the other team.

2. In three man crews the single side should take all counts except the four second goalie count. Your crew may decide to have the trail take the 20 and the single take the ten. But as a default just have the single take them all.

I need officials for the following Indy area games:

Th. Brownsburg 7/8- 7:00pm

Sa. Bloomington Varsity- 12:00 and 2:00

Su. Cathedral 5/6- 1:30, 2:30

Su. Junior Rebels 7/8- 1:00, 3:00

Mo. Bloomington 7/8- 7:15

Mo.- Columbus 7/8- 6:30

Please let me know what you can do. Have fun out there, keep up the good work!
