More Summer Ball, Board Positions


1. I have not received any nominations for the two soon to be open board positions. Please let me know soon if you’d like to run. We’d like to have this wrapped up by the end of the month.

2. Empire lacrosse will be running a summer league in Indy on Monday and Tuesday nights. If you are interested please keep your availability updated. Monday evening games are HS teams, 3 games, 25 minute running halves, two officials at $35 each. Tuesday are pickup games. An MS game followed by an adult game. $50 each. So $105 and $100 evenings if you’re so inclined.

3. Please remember that offseason officating is not mandatory. If you do not wish to work at all please let me know and I will mark you as inactive until such time as you wish to get back into circulation.

4. If you do wish to work keep your availability updated on dates where we have games. If you decline assignments during the offseason I just assume you’re inactive and update your status. Needless to say it’s very frustrating on my end when that happens since this is the thrid time I’ve sent this request.

As you can see lacrosse is pretty much a year round deal now. Your consideration regarding ongoing availability is appreciated.
