More Leagues and Tournaments Added


Since I last contacted you I’ve been given notice of some more leagues and tournaments in the Indy area.

1. Hoosier lacrosse will be having a second box league playing Wednesday nights at Indy Indoor Sports Park on the south side. I’ve added it to our list of sites. Please block the site if you’re not available to work there.

2. Hoosier lacrosse is having an outdoor league on Sundays at Sahm park on the northeast side. Again, please block the site if you’re not available.

3. Brownsburg is playing Sunday afternoons at a farm. Please block that site if not available.

4. There’s a tournament at Grand Park in Westfield the last weekend of September. I expect to get the schedule in a few weeks and wil start assigning then.

5. I’ve already started assigning the Saturday box league at Sport zone.

Please remember that off season work is strictly optional and will not affect your regualar season schedule. You can also be more picky about where and when to work by making appropriate blocks.

If you are interested in working in the fall you need to keep your availability updated! If I assign and you decline I just assume you’re not available at all and mark you as inactive until the spring.

I’ll be in touch as more leagues/events/tournaments arise. Thanks.
