Congratulations Derek!
I was elated to hear that you had been selected to receive the John McGrath Award this year. I’m in Chicago today at a family celebration and was unable to present your award. When I heard of the obstacles you had to overcome this season physically to return to the field and your determination to succeed I was impressed beyond words, (a rare occurrence for me). Many believe that the fastest and the most athletic among us set the standard for what an Outstanding Lacrosse Official looks like. I believe that it’s what you can’t see that comes from inside the great officials that makes them Outstanding. Your greatness seems to come from your tremendous resolve, self-discipline and truly evident big heart that shows how much you love the game of lacrosse and the self-sacrifice you are willing to give to the young people who play the game and your fellow officials.
ILOA was established to serve boys lacrosse officials in Indiana. Winning this award represents the Outstanding Lacrosse Officiating and service to lacrosse that exists in 2024 throughout Indiana. You are truly deserving of the 2024 John McGrath Outstanding Official of the Year Award. I am humbled by your service to our game.
-John McGrath, 6/1/24